Bug fixes
- A logical operator was corrected.
- SFCF (snowfall correction factor - SnowGlacier_HBV) parameter now is applied to snowfall only. (v 0.2.0)
Minor changes
- In temperature gradient model the units change from [ºC/100 m] to [ºC/km] (v 0.2.0).
- Function documentation has been improved (v 0.2.0).
- Figures to better understand the routing functions were included (v 0.2.0).
- A documented dataset to learn how to use the package (v 0.2.0).
- Enable GitLab page for public (v 0.2.0).
- Vignettes (6) were added (v 0.2.0).
- Source code has been broken in smaller pieces for better long-term maintenance (v 0.2.0).
- Safety checks on input arguments (v 0.2.0).
- New linear gradient model incorporated (includes an upper threshold for air temperature
decrement) (v 0.2.0).